Meet the people behind the crops: Manu Parmar

On September 24–26, Hazera will host its annual International Open Days in Warmenhuizen, where you will have the opportunity to explore our crop varieties up close and also get an inside look at the breeding process behind these varieties directly from Manu Parmar, our Global Breeding Lead for Cabbage.

Manu Parmar has been working with Hazera for the past few months and he is based in Warmenhuizen. He lives in Haarlem with his wife and two daughters. He was born and brought up in New Delhi, India. His father is a soil scientist, which motivated Manu to pursue an education in the field of agricultural sciences. He did his PhD in vegetable crops with a specialization in Breeding from Punjab Agricultural University. He has 18 years of experience in breeding various vegetable crops and back in India, he was a cabbage breeder.

What is a common myth about your job or field of expertise?
“I think a common myth about working as a plant breeder in a seed company is that the job is mostly about working in the fields and greenhouses. While fieldwork is certainly a part of the job, plant breeders often spend a significant amount of time in the office conducting data analysis, planning breeding programs, and managing projects.” Manu thinks for a second then continues saying that “another myth is that plant breeders are solely responsible for all aspects of the breeding process. But in reality, they often work as part of a larger team that includes research associates, lab technicians, and other specialists. This collaborative environment helps to streamline the breeding process and incorporate various expertise.”

In your opinion, what is the most important personality trait someone should have to work in your industry?
“One of the most important strengths for a plant breeder is strong analytical skills. This involves the ability to capture plant traits, interpret complex data and make informed decisions based on genetic, environmental, and experimental data. Collaboration and communication skills are important to be able to work across cross functional teams of genetics and lab scientists to bring innovation, speed and agility to the breeding program.”

Tell us about a project you’re proud of and why.
“I am proud to be part of the brassica breeding team and it is part of the heritage of Hazera. It started with developing varieties for Western Europe, but today we are a global player with a wide assortment of specific varieties. Pointed cabbage is our specialty with varieties like Dutchman, Regency and Marshal, and Berlenga for western Europe and Mediterranean markets.”

What does “Hazera- Growing Together” mean to you?
“For me Growing together means that the Hazera team believes in working through challenges, just like increasing world population, pandemics, regional conflicts, reduction of arable land, and climate change, and is determined to develop superior varieties and achieve food security.”

Tell us something about you that most people don’t know.
“In India, we drive on the left side, so it was quite an adjustment for me to learn how to write on the right side when I came to the Netherlands.”

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Learn more and register for our International Open Days here!

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